Smart Home Tip 1: Frustration free smart package deliveries

This blog entry is written by Cozify CTO Remo Kallio.
For some consumers, the smart home can evoke conflicting emotions - isn’t a smart human in the home enough? They may think that smart home technology is more hassle than it’s worth due to its complexity. This is not the case, however, and it is possible for every one of us to enjoy the benefits of a smart home without being a technology expert. So, I decided to make a blog series about the benefits of the smart home, possible misconceptions and security. Through my blogs I will show, using examples, how a smart home really does make life easier and brings security night and day, whether we're home or not.
You may be familiar with the frustrating scenario where you've stayed home waiting for a delivery man who has said that he'll bring the package you ordered between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. You've canceled all your appointments and plans for the day to wait in for the package. Worst-case scenario, you'll be wondering at 5:00 p.m. where your package is. When you eventually get hold of someone, you'll be told that the delivery man rang the doorbell, but no one was home. But you were!
In a smart home, the scenario above could have gone as follows. You leave home for the office in the morning and while you're at the office, the delivery man rings your home doorbell after 4:00. You will be alerted via the app on your phone.

The cameras near your front door show a person with packages standing outside your home. You'll recognize him as a delivery man and will answer the door via your phone. The messenger will hear you through a speaker mounted on the doorbell. At the same time, the camera captures the delivery man, and you ask him to verify his identity by showing the camera an ID card. The camera takes a picture of the person and card. Next, you instruct the delivery man to leave the package in the hallway of your apartment. If you live in a detached house, they can leave the package in an electrically locked box in the yard. You use the app on your phone to remotely open the electric lock on your door and you can see when the delivery man steps inside, puts the package on the floor, exits and closes the door. At the same time, you'll have confirmation that your door locked. You saw that the delivery man didn't do anything in your apartment other than put the package in and left right away.
In the example mentioned above, you communicate and control in real time in a situation where you are not at home yourself, but your door needs to be opened. Ease of use and security are brought by an electric lock and cameras that you can control remotely. Pretty convenient, isn't it?

Remo Kallio
Cozify, CTO
1 Comment
Toimiva konsepti ihan kokemuksesta. Vapauttaa sekä oman – että toimittavan tahon palvelut kohtaamaan kotiivella.
Jos olisin nuorempi tällä kokemuksella SUUNNITTELISIN omakotitaloon jo alustapitäen monia asioita uusiksi. Tärkein olisi nyt sähkökatkojen varalta ”Taloakkupalvelu” joka hoitaisi välttämättömän sähkön sähköskkujen hiollon ja ylläpitovaihdon talotekniikan ylläpitämiseksi katkosten aikana. Teslalla ja IKEAlla taitaa akkumaailma olla pisimmällä mutta kyllä Suomen Akullakin akkuja räkkiin jo näköjään löytyy! Talojen koko sähkösuunnittelu menee ihan uusiksi niin uusien kuin sähköaaneerausten osalta.
Olipa inspiroiva plogi Teiltä – Raas!
Posted by Jouko Kääriäinen on September 27, 2023